Coefficient of variation calculator
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Accepts csv, parquet, tsv and json
Trusted by over 30,000 users every month
Calculate coefficient of variation online with ease
Calculate the coefficient of variation (CV) to compare variability between datasets with different units or means. CV expresses standard deviation as a percentage of the mean.
Analyze csv, parquet, tsv and json in seconds
Calculate CV instantly
Get standard deviation and mean
Compare variability across datasets
Start free - no email address needed
Perfect for comparing data spread
How to calculate coefficient of variation online
- Upload your data
Use the input box at the top of the page to upload your dataset - Select column
Choose the numerical column you want to analyze - View results
See the CV, standard deviation, and mean instantly - Analyze distribution
Use the visualization to understand your data's spread relative to its mean
CV calculation examples with different levels of relative variability
Low relative variability
A dataset with low variability relative to its mean shows a small CV value. This indicates the data points tend to be close to the mean in relative terms.
- CV: 9.8615%
- Mean: 99.9491
- Standard deviation: 9.8564
Medium relative variability
A dataset with moderate variability relative to its mean shows a medium CV value. This indicates a moderate level of spread compared to the mean value.
- CV: 30.4886%
- Mean: 49.9997
- Standard deviation: 15.2442
High relative variability
A dataset with high variability relative to its mean shows a large CV value. This indicates the data points are widely spread out compared to the mean value.
- CV: 61.0319%
- Mean: 24.2124
- Standard deviation: 14.7773
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