Correlation coefficient calculator

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Calculate correlation coefficient online with ease

Calculate Pearson correlation coefficient between variables. Visualize relationships with scatter plots and get instant interpretations.

Analyze csv, parquet, tsv and json in seconds

Calculate Pearson correlation coefficient

Visualize relationships with scatter plots

Get correlation strength interpretation

Start free - no email address needed

Perfect for exploring variable relationships

How to calculate correlation coefficient online

  1. Upload your data
    Use the input box at the top of the page to upload your dataset
  2. Select variables
    Choose two numerical variables from your dataset to analyze
  3. View results
    See the correlation coefficient, strength interpretation, and scatter plot
  4. Interpret results
    Use the provided guidelines to understand the strength and direction of the relationship

Example correlations from standard datasets

Iris Dataset: Sepal Length vs. Petal Length

Strong positive correlation typically found in the Iris dataset between sepal length and petal length.


Shows a strong positive correlation, indicating that as sepal length increases, petal length tends to increase as well.

  • Correlation coefficient (r): 0.3168
  • R-squared: 0.1003
  • Strength: Weak

MTCars: Horsepower vs. MPG

Negative correlation between horsepower and miles per gallon (MPG) in cars.


Shows a negative correlation, demonstrating that cars with higher horsepower tend to have lower fuel efficiency (MPG).

  • Correlation coefficient (r): -0.8638
  • R-squared: 0.7461
  • Strength: Strong

Titanic: Age vs. Fare

Weak correlation between passenger age and fare price.


Shows a weak correlation, suggesting that passenger age had little relationship with the fare they paid.

  • Correlation coefficient (r): 0.3373
  • R-squared: 0.1138
  • Strength: Weak
MT cars
Motor Trends Car Road Tests dataset.
Rows: 32
Flights 1m
1 Million flights including arrival and departure delays.
Rows: 1,000,000
Iris plant species data set.
Rows: 50
House price
Housing price dataset.
Rows: 545
Weather dataset with temperature, rainfall, sunshine and wind measurements.
Rows: 366