Covariance calculator

Click to upload or drag and drop

Accepts csv, parquet, tsv and json

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About the covariance calculator

Calculate the covariance between two variables to measure their joint variability. Understand how variables change together with correlation analysis and visualizations.

Calculate covariance instantly

Get correlation coefficient

Visualize relationships with scatter plots

Start free - no email address needed

Perfect for analyzing variable relationships

How to calculate covariance online

  1. Upload your data
    Use the input box at the top of the page to upload your dataset
  2. Select variables
    Choose two numerical variables from your dataset to analyze
  3. View results
    See the covariance, correlation, and additional statistics instantly
  4. Analyze relationship
    Use the scatter plot to visualize the relationship between variables

Covariance examples

Strong positive relationship

Variables that tend to increase together show positive covariance. The scatter plot shows a clear upward trend.


  • Covariance: 0.7906
  • Correlation: 0.9546
  • Interpretation: Strong positive linear relationship

Strong negative relationship

Variables that tend to move in opposite directions show negative covariance. The scatter plot shows a clear downward trend.


  • Covariance: -0.7856
  • Correlation: -0.9450
  • Interpretation: Strong negative linear relationship

Weak/no relationship

Variables that move independently show covariance near zero. The scatter plot shows no clear pattern.


  • Covariance: -0.0007
  • Correlation: -0.0010
  • Interpretation: Very weak or no linear relationship
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