Percentile calculator
Click to upload or drag and drop
Accepts csv, parquet, tsv and json
Trusted by over 30,000 users every month
Calculate percentiles online with ease
Find any percentile in your data distribution with our percentile calculator. Understand where values fall in your dataset's distribution and identify key thresholds. Perfect for statistical analysis and data exploration.
Analyze csv, parquet, tsv and json in seconds
Calculate any percentile (0-100)
Visualize data distribution
Works with large datasets
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How to calculate percentiles online
- Upload your data
Use the input box at the top of the page to upload your dataset - Select a column
Choose the numerical column you want to analyze - Enter percentile
Specify which percentile you want to calculate (0-100) - View results
See the calculated percentile value and its position in the distribution
Example distributions with different percentiles
Normal Distribution
A normal distribution shows common percentile values like the median (50th percentile) and quartiles (25th and 75th percentiles). The percentiles are symmetrically distributed.
Key Percentiles:
- 25th percentile (Q1): 9.32
- 50th percentile (median): 10.01
- 75th percentile (Q3): 10.68
- 90th percentile: 11.31
- 95th percentile: 11.53
Right-Skewed Distribution
A right-skewed distribution has a longer tail on the right side. Higher percentiles are more spread out than lower percentiles, showing the asymmetry in the data.
Key Percentiles:
- 25th percentile: 4.92
- 50th percentile: 5.00
- 75th percentile: 5.07
- 90th percentile: 5.15
Uniform Distribution
In a uniform distribution, values are evenly distributed across the range. Percentiles are equally spaced, showing consistent gaps between them.
Key Percentiles:
- 10th percentile: 5.87
- 25th percentile: 7.35
- 50th percentile: 10.16
- 75th percentile: 12.51
- 90th percentile: 13.92
Bimodal Distribution
A bimodal distribution has two peaks. The percentiles help identify the transition between the two modes and their relative positions.
Key Percentiles:
- 10th percentile: -2.43
- 25th percentile: -1.98
- 50th percentile: -0.13
- 75th percentile: 1.99
- 90th percentile: 2.46
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