Quartile calculator

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Accepts csv, parquet, tsv and json

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Calculate quartiles and visualize data distribution

The quartile calculator helps you analyze your data by dividing it into four equal parts. It calculates the first quartile (Q1), second quartile (median/Q2), third quartile (Q3), and the interquartile range (IQR). Upload your data file to calculate quartiles and visualize the distribution with quartile markers. This tool helps you understand the spread and central tendency of your data.

Calculate Q1, Q2 (median), Q3, and IQR

Visualize data distribution with quartile markers

Handle large datasets efficiently

Identify data spread and central tendency

How to use the quartile calculator

  1. Upload data
    Upload a data file containing numerical values
  2. Select column
    Select the column you want to analyze
  3. View results
    View the calculated quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3) and IQR
  4. Analyze visualization
    Examine the quartile markers visualization to understand data distribution

Examples and use cases

Analyzing test scores

Use quartiles to understand the distribution of test scores in a class. Q1 shows the 25th percentile, Q2 (median) shows the middle score, and Q3 shows the 75th percentile.

Example statistics:

  • Q1 (25th percentile): 68.6
  • Q2 (Median): 74.7
  • Q3 (75th percentile): 81.4
  • IQR: 12.8

Salary distribution

Analyze salary distributions in a company or industry. The IQR helps identify the typical range of salaries, while outliers indicate unusually high or low values.

Example statistics:

  • Q1: $55119
  • Q2 (Median): $65804
  • Q3: $76362
  • IQR: $21243

Product measurements

Quality control in manufacturing by analyzing the distribution of product measurements. Quartiles help identify if products fall within acceptable ranges.

Example statistics:

  • Q1: 9.86 mm
  • Q2 (Median): 10.00 mm
  • Q3: 10.13 mm
  • IQR: 0.27 mm
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