Merge TSV files online

Click to upload or drag and drop

Accepts tsv

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Combine TSV files online

Our online TSV tool offers a simple and fast way to merge tab-separated value files. Combine multiple TSV files in just a few clicks, and download the merged file with ease.

Ideal for users managing TSV data, whether large or small.

Merge multiple TSV files

Preview and edit merged TSV

Download merged TSV file

Supports large TSV files

Easy-to-use interface

No software installation required

How to merge TSV files online

  1. Select Files
    Select the TSV files you want to merge (hold Control or Command to select multiple files).
  2. Upload Files
    Your files are being uploaded and processed for merging.
  3. Click Merge
    Once the files are uploaded, click 'Merge' to combine them into one TSV file.
  4. Merge in Progress
    The merge process is in progress. Your files will be ready soon.
  5. Download
    Click 'Download' to save your merged TSV file.
MT cars
Motor Trends Car Road Tests dataset.
Rows: 32
Flights 1m
1 Million flights including arrival and departure delays.
Rows: 1,000,000
Iris plant species data set.
Rows: 50
House price
Housing price dataset.
Rows: 545
Weather dataset with temperature, rainfall, sunshine and wind measurements.
Rows: 366