Tabular data Viewer

Click to upload or drag and drop

Accepts csv, parquet, tsv and json

View, filter and sort tabular data in seconds.

View and filter data instantly
Create visualizations with AI
Handle large datasets with ease

Trusted by over 30,000 users every month

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View and filter tabular data files online

With our tabular data viewer you can view and filter your tabular data files in seconds.

Open and view 4 file types

Filter and transform your tabular data online

Handles large data files

Works with millions of rows

Quickly view and filter datasets

How to view and filter tabular files online

  1. Upload your tabular data file
  2. Your file will be loaded and then you can view your tabular data
  3. Sort data by clicking a column name
  4. Filter a column by clicking the three dots
  5. Export your tabular data file in CSV or Excel format by clicking the export button
MT cars
Motor Trends Car Road Tests dataset.
Rows: 32
Flights 1m
1 Million flights including arrival and departure delays.
Rows: 1,000,000
Iris plant species data set.
Rows: 50
House price
Housing price dataset.
Rows: 545
Weather dataset with temperature, rainfall, sunshine and wind measurements.
Rows: 366